HuGO Insurance

Term Life Insurance

A comprehensive solution to cover your clients’ mortgage and other liabilities.

A simplified process thanks to Intelligent Underwriting

The HuGO platform is an intelligent system that allows you to simply and effectively choose the best option for your clients’ needs.
HuGO’s goal: to quickly approve healthy clients at a competitive price with as little underwriting requirements as possible!

Over 65% of customers are approved immediately and receive their contract at home within a few days.

Target Market

  • Young families
  • People with mortgages
  • Companies and businesses
  • Standard to Moderate risk clients
Pieds de quelqu'un qui marche sous un coucher de soleil
Pieds de quelqu'un qui marche sous un coucher de soleil

Target Market

  • Young families
  • People with mortgages
  • Companies and businesses
  • Standard to Moderate risk clients


  • Issue Age: from 18 to 70 years old
  • Benefit amounts: $50,000 to $5,000,000
  • Available terms: T10, T15, T20, T25, T30, T80, and T100
  • Exchange for a longer term in the first 5 years
  • Conversion to T100 available before age 65
  • Automatically qualify for Critical Illness and Disability Debt for standard rated HuGO Life policies of $100,000 or more*
  • Three available riders:
    • AD&D up to $500,000
    • Premium waiver on disability
    • Dependant Child Life Insurance – $15,000 and $25,000 options. No underwriting questions asked
  • Intelligent Web Platform that adapts to client responses
  • Save time: Most customers (over 65%) will be insured on the spot in less than 45 minutes. Some will be covered in 15 minutes or less.
  • Pending answers to HuGO application – no built in medical requirements for applications under $1 million
  • Online process from start to finish – no need for paper applications
*No exclusions, limitations, or pre-existing clauses
Was your client accepted for standard life?

Automatically qualify for two additional policies

If your client has been accepted with standard rates for the HuGO Life product, with a minimum coverage of $100,000, they will automatically qualify for the HuGO Critical Illness and HuGO Debt products with no exclusions or pre-existing conditions.

An offer based solely on Life Insurance underwriting

icône béquille HuGO Debts
  • Coverage up to $1,500/month
  • Guaranteed renewal up to age 65
  • All occupations accepted
Icône coeur HuGO Critical Illness
  • Benefit amount: $25,000
  • 25 illnesses covered, including loss of independant existance
  • Extended, family-based Teladoc Medical Experts Assistance Program
Please note: This is not a rider (it's a separate contract!)
The critical illness and debt insurance promotional offer cannot be purchased once the transaction has been completed. These products must be offered immediately at the time of the HuGO Life transaction.
Avoid unpleasant surprises

A simple and easy to understand product

Your clients will have peace of mind knowing the present and future cost of their protection.

The insurance premium is guaranteed for life and critical illness for the duration of the contract.

Mains formant un toit au dessus d'un bricolage d'une famille en carton
Dependent Child Rider

The ideal solution for children who are difficult to insure

Are your clients in perfect health, but have children who have been diagnosed with a condition that prevents them from obtaining life insurance? With HuGo’s Dependent Child rider, the whole family is well protected.

  • Benefit available: $15,000 or $25,000
  • Guaranteed premiums:
    • $6.75 / month for $15,000
    • $11.25 / month for $25,000
  • No questions asked about the dependent child. None
  • Convert child rider to permanent coverage when they are no longer a dependent
Mains formant un toit au dessus d'un bricolage d'une famille en carton

Calculator: Compare HuGO premiums with other carriers


You are considered a smoker if you recently used any of the following:

  • Tobacco, including chewing tobacco, on an occasional or regular basis;
  • Electronic cigarettes or other similar devices;
  • Nicotine substitutes or others, such as nicotine patches.

You are also considered a smoker if you have a medical prescription or follow a smoking cessation program.

Duration: 25 years
Amount: $250,000.00
Term life insurance
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